Deciphering Construction Site Accidents: A Guide to Legal Rights and Claims in Louisiana.

In January this year, a road construction worker was tragically killed and two others were injured when a logging truck struck the crew’s vehicle. A 35 year-old man from Lake Charles was filling potholes when the crash occurred and suffered fatal injuries. Both parties worked for the Louisiana Department of...

Unraveling Louisiana’s Worker’s Compensation Law: Protection for Remote Workers

A study of five Louisiana metropolitan areas (Alexandria, Shreveport, New Orleans, Lake Charles and Baton Rouge) has revealed over 120,000 workers are doing so primarily from home. What legal protections are in place when an employee is injured at home? Remote workers in Louisiana fall under the worker's compensation law...

Traumatic Brain Injuries from Slip and Fall Accidents: A Detailed Analysis

Steve Wozniak will always be known as the co-founder of Apple Computers, but less known about the computing genius is he suffered a traumatic brain injury when piloting a small plane. “Woz” fortunately made a full recovery after suffering from amnesia for over a month.  Traumatic brain injuries, often abbreviated...

Ride Share Accidents: Unpacking Insurance Issues in Louisiana

Car Accidents

Oct 14,2023

According to Uber’s most recent safety report, over 99% of Uber trips conclude without a safety issue. However, the report reveals injuries and fatalities from crashes, although small in number, do occur. Accidents involving ride share services can present unique challenges. Unlike traditional taxi services, ride share companies operate under...

Dealing with Hit and Run Accidents: Legal Recourse in Louisiana

Car Accidents

Oct 3,2023

On September 9, 2023, Louisiana State Police responded to a fatal accident involving a pedestrian on U.S. Route 90B in Jefferson Parish. The victim, 36-year-old David Allen Smith from Missouri, was a construction worker. He was walking near the right shoulder of the road when he was hit by a...

Complications of Medical Malpractice: A Look into Incorrect Prescription Cases in Louisiana

Medical malpractice not only inflicts physical pain but also leaves deep psychological scars on victims. Incorrect prescriptions can lead to a cascade of emotional problems, ranging from anxiety to depression. Often, people become distrustful of healthcare systems, losing faith in what should be a source of healing and care. Such...

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